Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keeping a mommy mind sane.

What does a mommy do to keep themselves sane? Its very chaotic as of late. N is going through the terrible twos. Really going through them. D is going through the insane threes. If one isn't crying or doing something they really shouldn't be doing, the other is. Sometimes I cannot wait for these ages to be over but then i've been told that once they are over I will wish that I hadn't of been so impatient. So what do I do with myself. TV, clean, facebook, video games.. I need another outlet, something not technology associated. Something other than reading because right now my poor eyes can only take so much. Wonderful. In my 20s and I believe my eyesight is already deteriorating. So Im thinking crafts. Now, I've never been very crafty. Hell, I could barely paint my nails in middle school without spilling nailpolish all over my poor teachers freshly waxed floor (obviously I had some stuff going on that age, but thats for another date and time) So crafts. I must find something, somewhere.

As of late im trying to reconnect my past, just to have something. I've spoken to former teachers, spoken to family members i've never known. As an adult I believe im finally "growing up". These people have been a daily piece of my life that does indeed truly leave me sane, whether it be just typing a quick note to them, or having a long discussion about the past, present, or future. It has all left me feeling more adult like. Is that weird . Again, ive started a blog aiming in one direction and again, ive moved on to a completely different one... Hrm.. Good to know.

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