Friday, March 30, 2012

Bullying and the full term affects

Dear bullies;
      This is for you. Yeah you, the one who is currently picking on the "fat" kid, the "smelly" kid, the kid who always comes to school in "rags". Do you know what you are doing to them? I'm not going to talk about the present, because we all know, by now you know that you are doing wrong. You know you are making these other kids sad, but do you really care? Nope. Here, right here, right now, we are going to talk about what you have just done to that other kid, teen, adult, whomever it is, for life.
      Think about your future, take a second, close your eyes, do you see a significant other? Do you see children? Yeah, I'm sure you do. Now lets skip forward. Lets break down. While you are happy with your wife, or husband. Whatever you will have. That person, that one person you picked on, may very well still be searching.
      They may have grown into themselves. They aren't stinky, they aren't fat, that aren't whatever the hell you chose to pick on them for. But to them, in their mind, they don't know this. They are guarded, they are worried to let people get in. They still can't live happily because of your taunts.
       And when they do find that someone, it does take them longer to open it. Takes them longer to love. And when they have kids? Well, what if its someone like me? Someone who is now petrified to be out in a large social setting. Someone who is scared to take their own kids to the park for fear that they will STILL get picked on. Because lets get this straight, by now, you are grown with kids of your own. And guess what, you likely have taught your kids to pick on people. So now, not only do we endure this, our children endure this. Not only that, but even as an adult you can't not pick on people, its in your blood right?
     So here are our children who never get to go out, because of their parents simple fear. They stay in the house, they are likely to wind up just like their parents. And you know what that means? The cycle continues.
      Dear Bully, do you know what you are doing to children of the future? Their children? Do you know the heartbreak? The names? You are right now causing a lifetime of pain. That is sad. You are causing recluses, you are causing shut off minds, shut off brains. You are causing kids to fail in school for the simple fact that they just do not want to be there. Maybe take a step back. Think to yourself. I wonder.. will my child ever be bullied? Just think of what you are doing to others. I'm quite sure if it was you, your tune would change a lot quicker.

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